Monday, February 12, 2007

Health and Safety fascists react to slur on their good name?

The other week, I posted about the amount of compensation the HSE pays out to staff and public for personal injuries. On Saturday, the Times ran a piece about information it had received via an FoI request which shows the HSE has a far higher number of workplace related accidents than your average organisation. The Sunday Mirror then followed it up.

Basically, the HSE was shown to have a massive rate of accidents per head which worked out to 4,143 workplace accidents per 100,000 people in 2005-2006 compared with just 2,143 in industry. Funny isn't it? Accidents included someone getting a bruised eye when a toilet roll dispenser fell on them (The mind boggles about the circumstances that happened in!).

Anyways, it seems the HSE has not got a little bit upset by all the newspaper crowing over it being a riskier place to work than a a poorly managed sausage factory. To counter the finger-pointing and laughing they have issued a press release which basically says everyone is being terrifically unfair, and their record is only bad because they record accidents better than everyone else.

That's us all told then!


Anonymous said...

It does have the disadvantage of probably being true though. I've seen all sorts of stuff at Evil Empire HQ which should have gone in the accident book but never did.

Anonymous said...

Give them there due , they do go to places where I would consider F--king Dangerous , sorry no story ,remind yourselves who had to go and that investigate oil storage place.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong ,they make the HS rules ,so they know how use them ,I don't see any difference ,the politicians do the same