Imagine my pleasure then when I discovered how much money the HSE has paid out in health and safety compensation claims for injuries etc to its own staff and the public. As it happens I actually mused about the possibility of the HSE suing itself the other day, and some written answers have shown just how often it seems to happens (did I inspire the question I wonder? (ego alert)).
Anyway, enough of my rambling, I'll cut to the chase. It appears that the HSE pays out quite a lot of compensation claims for personal injuries each year to its staff. In fact, to date this year it's managed to pay out £16,215 to just three of its employees. Over the past four years they've actually had to pay out £54,288.65 to 13 employees in compensation.
It does get better though - and I don't deny I'm crowing now - but in 2004-05 the HSE apparently paid out just over £246,000 to two members of public in a compensation claim for personal injuries. Whatever did they do?
I don't know about you, but the Health and Safety Executive sound like rogue employers to me. Compare their size and record to an equivalent private corporation. Who inspects the inspectors?
this amused me:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/tayside_and_central/6335491.stm
hahahaha.. that's brilliant!
BBC, eh? The arse-stabbers seem to have deleted it - Beeb-style news. What was the bones of it?
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