Friday, January 12, 2007

"Union tanks will be all over Gordon Browns lawn." says Maude

In what has become a now regular slot on Tory Radio, Francis Maude, the Party Chairman has said that if there is an election this year, "the Union tanks will be all over Gordon Brown's lawn."

Most people in the press over the last two days have been talking about how well the Conservative party has done in fund raising over the past year, in comparison to the absolute dire straits the Labour Party finds itself in.

As a result of Labour Party financial problems, the only possible way they could fund an election this year (and possibly even next year) would be to go cap in hand to the Unions. Francis Maude on Tory Radio made this point adding,
If Brown wanted an election in May or Oct of this year... he can click his fingers and the Unions will come running. There will be a price. The Unions will demand their price.... The Danegeld doesn't come without a price tag. The Union tanks will be all over Gordon Browns lawn.
In my opinion he's absolutely right, thankfully though I still think we would win so we wouldn't have to worry about beer and sandwiches returning to Number 10.

Listen to the full interview here.


AntiCitizenOne said...

We do have to worry about "dave" winning.

dizzy said...


AntiCitizenOne said...

Well he's a clone of Blair, and so nothing will actually change.

dizzy said...

and you work that one out based on what?

Chris Paul said...

Possibly based on four of the five or so stories he has fed the world. The exception being that he is really and truly an old school conservative, tax cuter, service cutter, atlantacist, anti-European, etc etc. Well something like that.

As for the tanks on Gordon's lawn. Weren't they there in the case of the so-called "Historic" Warwick so called "Agreement" which saw the TUs taken for pups and some of them still think they are onto something there.

I will predict however an excellent deadlock ending agreement on Town Hall pensions has been reached by the simple ruse of holding a meeting without telling the TU, TH or govt lawyers about it.