Last night, Chad Noble, the man who set up UKIPHome (who appears to many to be absolutely barking bonkers) wrote a
post that was essentially a massive flame at Iain Dale. Flaming Iain is par for the course for Mad Chad, who seems convinced that everything Iain writes is sanctioned copy from Conservative Central Office. In his flame, Chad reached a new low by effectively calling Iain a paedophile.
you look more like a paedophile with every passing day. (not suggesting that you are a paedophile at all , just that your slimy appearence makes you look like one imho).

One finds oneself asking. How does Chad know what a paedophile looks like? Does he have experience in such matters I wonder? Either way, what I really wonder is what the catalyst was that in less than a year drove Chad from
this David Cameron supporting Tory, to
this obsessed reactionary? For some people I guess the Internet, with all its information, is a bad thing mmmmkay.
HatTip: WestBrom Blog, Croydonian and Ed.
Update:Anyone visting UKIPHome will notice that the paedophile accusation has been edited out by Chad. I expect he will accuse me of slander shortly for quoting it.
Its sad. A year ago, I thought that Chad was someone who would help the online movement a lot. I was regularly in contact with him.
Then he threw a wobbly over the A List and quit the Tory Party.
Since then he has become an incredibly embittered man, full of hate. He has had it in for Iain ever since. I completely fail to see what Iain has done to deserve such fury.
I tend to ignore his site - is it still the case that you have to pay to comment?
At risk of sounding like a broken record, he should withdraw the comment and apologise. It was way beyond impolite.
I've never heard of him and given what he said I wish I still hadn't. It was an awful thing to say and like PT feel he should apologise.
As serf said, "I completely fail to see what Iain has done to deserve such fury". Neither do I. V. Strange. Maybe he's sucking on lemons instead of imperial mints.
I like your wondering Dizzy. I have to wonder what sort of expertise people have when they say "that tastes like sh1t". never having had the *cough* pleasure, I of course would not know!
On a more serious note, you are right, he should withdraw the comment.
I would call Mark Oaten on that question.
In the past I have found his personalised attacks on other blogger's distasteful, but this attack on Iain Dale reaches a new low.
Could it just be the guy needs more hits to his site and raising his profile? That our an appointment with his doctor.
It's human nature isn't it? When you reach the top in any field, you become a target. Iain and Guido are the top bloggers and, for some, that makes them fair game.
I don't approve in any way of the practise of abusing fellow bloggers or "flaming" as you call it, but I do regard it as inevitable. I am absolutely bloody convinced I would find myself accused of paedophilia or worse if I had Iain's traffic.
He seems to have edited that post, but no apology!
He's edited it because he was told to by the 'high ups' in UKIP. Ironic really. He's had to do exactly what he accuses me of - taking orders from his Party hierarchy. Doubly ironic in that I have never, ever been asked or told to write anything on my blog!
It seems like a lot of jealousy and sour grapes, perhaps he regrets it now. He should have issued an explanatory statement when he edited his post.
Iain, ironic indeed after all the drivel he has penned about you.
Double ironic because he fell out with Devil's Kitchen for not staying on message and daring to criticise UKIP?
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