Friday, November 10, 2006

Quick book plug

I thougght I'd take a moment to plug the book I'm currently reading called Neoconservatism: Why we need it by Douglas Murray. Thus far I've not reahced the "why" part, and it's just the historical basis behind much of the school of thought. I'm not expecting to agree with all of it, but that should never detract from reading anything in my view.

Murray has though written a very engaging read, and most compelling thus far is that argument that neoconservatism does not have a manifesto as such, and actually refers more to particular concerns with the way society is today. Primarily, and quite fundamnetally, is the rejection of relativism, cultural and moral.

A good book, well worthy a read. And "Richard", if you're reading this, it appears I picked up your signed copy instead of a non-signed one. Just get in contact with our mutual friends at the New Culture Forum and I'm happy to swap.


CityUnslicker said...

Sounds wuite good. Very unlucky time for him to release the book though. In the world of media surely should have waited a year for the media to come back to 'what-ever-happened-to-the-neocons-who-used-to-rule-us.'

The he would have sold much more. I hope the book starts with Adam Smith, Ricoardo and Locke..

Anonymous said...

I recently read this and found it interesting to begin with but it ends up as an anti muslim rant.

Neo conservatives principles are very easy to espouse but very difficult to implement as issues such as Iraq are rarely as black and white as neo cons would like us to believe.

Nevertheless an interesting read.