Thursday, November 09, 2006

It's not just a framework... it's a dynamic framework

It seems I must be having one of those evening's where I read stuff from the Government and just find myself thinking "what?". The latest example is what is being billed as a "new manual to boost opportunities for people to learn about how to make a difference to their communities" which the Government has published.

Now besides the rather odd reality that the Government has produced a guide on how to... well... voice an opinion (clearly they've not been on a bus and listened recently), the booklet is apparently going to support the proposals that the Government outlined in its recent White Paper on Local Government. To the uniniated, the other name for such things is propaganda.

When Baroness Andrews launched the publication she said:
"The Government is committed to helping local people have a stronger voice so they can shape their services to address local needs and problems. This dynamic Framework sets out how we can enable more people to acquire the knowledge, skills and confidence to have their say in the decisions that have such a profound effect on their lives and their communities. The practical advice and guidance it offers will help to breathe life into our democratic decision making."
I wonder if the book explains the charade that is known as "consultation"?

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