Thursday, September 07, 2006

If Blair goes there should be a General Election

Praguetory as written a post arguing, quite rightly, that as Blair commited himself to a "full third term" the electorate is entitled to a General Election if he does not keep that commitment. In May 2005 the electorate retruned a Labour Party led by Tony Blair to power. They did not return a Labour Party led by Gordon Brown, Alan johnson, or whoever else might like to think they have a chance at the job. Even that old socialist Red Ken has acknowledged there will be no mandate for a new leader.

Praguetory... I am with you.


Anonymous said...

Not a chance with the polls as they stand. I hope Praguetory picks this up, I still can't open his comment link, though others seem to have succeeded.

Praguetory said...

Should Broon take over the best thing that an ordinary Conservative voter can do is to take up an old habit - namely lying to pollsters about voting intentions. If Labour are even neck-a-neck in the polls I think that GB will take the coward's choice and hold an early GE.

I appear to be able to post comments. I'm blaming Dizzy for this issue as it was him that first put me on to rankingbloggers (whose link seems to be opening v slowly).

Anonymous said...

I'm with this. After all, is a "full term" no tthe length of time between 2 consecutive general elections???