Back when Gordon Brown was Prime Minister he had a flashy redesign of the Downing Street website on Wordpress, complete with lots of flashy social media stuff and all manner of bugs which have been well documented.
At the time of the redesign there was much talk of how much it cost with one hack saying his sources put it at £100K+. The thing is, when you tried to find out the cost of the website, Downing Street hid behind a 'commercial interests' argument.
However, after much arguing and emailing - emails that pointed out no other department hid behind the commercial interest argument, along with threats to take it to the ICO - Downing Street, with its new resident, has revealed the spending at last.
Yes, that's right, Gordon Brown spent a perfectly reasonable and small figure having the Downing Street website redesigned compared to so many other departments and yet it took over a year and a change of Government to get the answer.
What a twat.
Note: This post is titled 'exclusive' in a tongue and cheek manner. That Downing Street took so long to answer a simple question is testament to the secrecy under which it instinctively operated. I will add links and the pdf from the Cabint Office to this post tomorrow as I'm currently using my phone to post this. Apols for typos. Now football calls. ITALIA! ITALIA! (Said for Mrs Dizzy natch!)

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