Remember when the National Lottery started it weas all about making money for good causes? Well, as we all known Gordon Brown's economic incompetence has led to massive hikes in borrowing, but not only that, he's totally plundered the National Lottery's money in order to fund his spedning blackholes.
Croydonian, having found the information in
Hansard has helpfully created a pie chart to show just how much Gordon brown has taken from good causes to cover his own balance sheet issues.
Take a look at the light blue section of the pie. That is the amount of money in the Lottery funds that was used for "Health and Education" in 1997 compared with now.

I do love the way the Government likes to call charities and good causes the "third sector" and acts like it really cares about it whilst simultaneously screwing them over when slicing up the money from us proles who deseprately dream of the millionaire life.
Hat Tip: Croydonian
The abuse of 'charities' is no longer escaping the attention of bloggers, but I still don't get the impression that the analysis of 'fake charities' is getting into the public domain.
No politican wants to touch the issue of charities and with good reason.
I'm startled :O HALF!!!!
No mention of the Olympics. I thought that the Lottery fund had been raided by the olympics?
Off Topic but I wont let that stop me.Seems there's something afoot in Reading Labour Party...involving Malcolm 'Three Tits' Powers lady wife.According to reports on Janestheone,[also see Guido]she broke into Southeast Regional Headquarters back in 2004...what exactly this is all about I dont know..or if it is the beginning of a mini Watergate..BUT PANIC BUTTONS HAVE BEEN PRESSED WE AREADVISED..
It's worse than that. In 1995/6 the light blue area was all charitable donations and was called the Communities Fund. None of it was appropriated for government health or education programmes, except by applyibg it through large charities (e.g. RBIB, Cancer Research).
As Hansard reports:
"The health, education, environment and charitable expenditure good cause comprises the Big Lottery Fund, which is the successor to the Community Fund and the New Opportunities Fund."
when the lottery started it was said that no money would be diverted to projects that should be funded from taxation. well,that didn't last long!
Tax as theft is not enough. So steal banks, pensions, savings, anything you can. Snot rules.
I am surprised that the the big gobshite has not put a tax on the winnings.
It isn't just the way the pie is liced up, the pie itself has shrink by one-third.
You might ask why that is? Could it be that the Labour government's policy of diverting funds away from non-Labour constituencies has unintended consequences? Yes, just like every other Labour policy.
In many southern areas, the local newspapers used to run an article pretty much every month about how a Lottery grant had helped this charity or that project. It encouraged the view that even if you didn't win your money would go to a local good cause. That has all stopped.
The openly partisan doling out of Lottery cash has undermined the Lottery and it will take a lot of effort to relaunch it.
'broke in'?A bit strong I think.Allegedly,she gained entry using a key..However Mrs Powers is a Policeperson so she should know the legal niceties involved..
John Redwood wrote a post this morning about 'fake charities' so it's no longer just bloggers asking questions.
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