Thursday, February 26, 2009

The motion to watch - sadly

In between throwing my guts up into a bucket this morning, I just wanted to bring to your attention a "One too watch" Early Day Motion from the Commons. The motion has been tabled by the DUP MP, Gregory Campbell and at time of writing has one other signature on it, that of his DUP colleague, David Simpson. The motion is titled "Politicians and the Economic Downturn" and reads,
That this House notes the extent of the economic downturn right across the United Kingdom; realises the significant degree of cynicism that exists among the general public in relation to how politicians are responding to the effect the downturn is having on average families, many of whom are facing uncertainty regarding employment and their standards of living; and recognises the need for politicians, irrespective of party labels, as well as all others paid for out of the public purse, to have an obligation in demonstrating value for money approaches in whatever capacity they are employed and to show cost reductions where possible as a contribution towards the exceptionally difficult economic times in the nation.
Now there are two primary reasons why this one is worth watching. First, that should be a motion that literally hundreds of MPs ought to sign, so omission of a signature is a telling sign of attitude.

Second, it will be interesting to see if any MPs that have themselves been involved in dodgy expenses stories decide to sign it. At which point of course the cry of either "hypocrite" or "changed his/her ways since getting caught" will be raised.

My betting is not that many will sign it. Either because they don;t know about it (or do an ostrich and pretend not too), or, more likely, because if they do sign it they will become an instant target for someone to investigate what they spend money on, and the slightest whiff of excessive wastefulness and it will be splashed across the blogs and/or papers - again withthe cry of hypocrite.

In a way the motion is a perfect indictment of everything that is wrong with day-to-day politics. The very fact that a motion saying that is needed makes it a bit like those posters in mens pub toilets that remind you not to go out and rape a woman.
* Government ministers by convention do not sign EDMs, so don't expect to see Jacqui Smith on there.


Anonymous said...

Would this be the same Gregory Campbell who is claiming two expenses for his two legislative positions, and was paying his wife rent from his Assembly expenses in a way Parliament wouldn't allow?

Yes, yes it would.

dizzy said...

hahaha and up goes the cry of "hypocrite" almost instantly!

Letters From A Tory said...

No doubt the party whips will stop this one getting out of control if it does manage to pick up any momentum.

Anonymous said...

Apparently that convention goes to PPS's aswell.

Linda said...

What you doing blogging at such an unearthly hour Dizzy? It's just not civilised! I need at least three cups of tea before I can even think about facing the keyboard :)

Plenty said...

How in the world is this EDM of any use? Surely the MPs must realise that we are in a recession? Or perhaps some of them don't. Wonder if Jacqui Smith will be signing up?

Oldrightie said...

Just the typical words we get from Parliament. No real intent to do anything other than pick up another wad of claim forms.

Anonymous said...

The BBC is going to do a radio programme about Common Purpose on the Donal Macintyre show, Radio 5 live - Sunday March 8th at 7pm. Please spread the word.

Anonymous said...

"Apparently that convention goes to PPS's as well."

As Dizzy well knows.

Anonymous said...

EDMs generally are of little or no use. It's the Parliamentary equivalent of a Facebook or Twitter update - very little people notice, most don't care anyway. Just about any lobbyist can now get an MP to table an EDM, and many send the text ready for the MP just to sign (I speak from experience). It is a shame when serious matters get lost amongst the comical, but this is no longer a way encourage proper debate.

Dick the Prick said...

Good lad but I think cynicism is a bit to shallow. I'd just flat reduce all public sector employees pay over 20k by 20% straight off the bat.

Nurse, are these my normal pills?

Lola said...

It's straight out of Catch 22 - the Glorious Loyalty Oath Crusade. G Campbell = Captain Black

weggis said...

".... to have an obligation in demonstrating value for money approaches in whatever capacity they are employed and to show cost reductions where possible... "

You mean they are not doing this already?