There is "live blogging" of the American spectacular going on all over the place. Personally, if you can be bothered to stay up I would pay attention to the US blogs rather than the UK ones. Places like Liberal Conspiracy will - if predictions and polls are right - no doubt be crowing (whilst live blogging MSM coverage, how 2.0!). Meanwhile, places like ConHome et al will - if predictions and polls are right - be trying to spin it as the beginning of the end of America, or not so bad for the GOP (whilst live blogging MSM coverage, how 2.0!).
However, if of couse the crazy upset occurs, and the GOP win, then I guarantee it will not be long before the left-wing blogosphere in the UK starts to talk in that serious Michael Moore way and finds reasons why it was all a big conspiracy. You know the drill, America is inherently racist; hanging chads; it was stolen; and the usual sort of crap that will ensure that people like Tim Ireland keep moaning on about "war, it's legal, it's lovely" for the next four years in the echo chamber that is the UK blogosphere.
Of course, if, (as predictions and polls say), Obama romps home, then for the next few months the left-wing blogosphere in the UK will be jumping up and down, and generally getting excited about the possibility that the evil America will have universal healthcare, and that troops will be out of Afghanistan and Iraq very soon, so the world can have a big group hug.
They will then turn instantly when Obama has his first meeting with the DoD and the NSA and quietly says "oh fuck me backwards with a pickling fork now I understand why Jed Bartlett acted the way he did even though I didn't really believe it was like that". This will result in them talking in that serious Michael Moore way, and will ensure that people like Tim Ireland keep moaning on about "war, it's legal, it's lovely" for the next four years in the echo chamber that is the UK blogosphere.
Whoever wins tonight it is plain and simple. The so-called "chattering classes" outside of America will still hate him when he doesn't pull out of Iraq instantly and denounce everything Clinton and Bush were saying all along about the "mad mullahs".
Welcome to 2009, and President X, it's going to be just like the last two administrations, the only difference is the time it takes for the sneering to start.
Four more years!
Are you pissed? Stopped reading after the third grammatical error...
I shall be going to bed at midnight and sleeping the sleep of the righteous in the full knowledge that I did all I could do to get the right result, i.e. nothing, so whatever will be will be so why worry. We ain't voting so what does it matter?
"I shall be going to bed at midnight and sleeping the sleep of the righteous in the full knowledge that I did all I could do to get the right result, i.e. nothing, so whatever will be will be so why worry. We ain't voting so what does it matter?"
That was the point
Bl**ming pedants, they just get everywhere....
Top post, as ever, being a regular reader I'm (more or less) qualified to say that. Only snag is you didn't link any of the US blogs you're following....
Personally I will not be one of those waiting up to see which landmark the world is going to see attained tonight, but a link-list of blogs might have helped stave off the insomnia......
Isn't it funny how left & right are so (more or less) opposite between us & them....?
Righteous regards.
The point was I couldn't be arsed to stay up and neither should others! :)
What crap. No one, NO ONE, expects Obama to introduce universal healthcare or withdraw troops from Iraq or Afghanistan tomorrow.
They just expect him to be a vast improvement on the incompetent, unprincipled, self-interested, belligerent clown he is replacing. Not such high expectations to live up to really.
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