Thursday, November 06, 2008

Time to celebrate?

Interesting flag to be waving.
Can you imagine the reaction if McCain had won and someone flew a swastika or KKK emblem? Craziness I tell thee.


Anonymous said...

and they say Americans have no sense of irony

T England. Raised from the dead. said...

I'm SO looking forward to seeing how America likes being the socalist states of America!


Anonymous said...

Coming from Fox, the fair and balanced network which continually questioned whether we knew about Obama's background whilst simulatenously failing to report the criticism it knew of within Republican ranks over Sarah Palin?

Anonymous said...

Obamaniacs just don't have a sense of humour, they should have been waving a crescent and star.

Anonymous said...

For Fox's sake - no nobility in defeat from Fix News then.

dizzy said...

Are you saying that it's fake? And what does it matter if it is on Fox or not, isn;t there an worry here that the flag of the most murderous nation of the 20th Centruy is being flown and no one seems to mind?

Ralph said...

It's odd how some think that the media taking a few nuts who supported McCain and tarring all his supporters with the same brush is fair but doing the reverse isn't.

Of course if McCain had ties to a terrorist who blew up abortion clinics, and had sat in a church where the pastor attacked blacks he wouldn't have become a senator let alone president.

But then again the press have always had a soft spot for left wing terrorists, mass murderers, and dictators.

Stop Common Purpose said...

Barack Obama is a Communitarian, although you will not have heard him use the term during his election campaign. Americans will get a shock when the truth of his hidden agenda becomes known and they find out his real intentions. Bear in mind that Obama is simply a front-man for the New World Order Communitarians.

Common Purpose Communitarian philosophy