Guido beat me to it (both of us having been emailed at around 4am) because he has two children to wake him up, whilst mine lives with his mum , but Harriet Harman has been well and truly "
rooted" it seems - rooted means hacked. Apparently she is defecting to the Tories.

Looks like the website has been well and truly pw3nd doesn't it. Couldn't happen to a nicer woman. Presumably the people behind here
spoof blog (where might I add I am called a 'perv' (that put a big grin on my face)), seem to know a lot about the changes too, hmmmm!
Read her whole 'resignation and defection' letter
here as they're bound to be deleting it soon when they find out.
Dizzy: you're pretty clever about all things internet. Are there any circumstances that anyone could trace me from this post?
"Guido beat me to it because he has two children to wake him up whilst mine lives with his mum"
Shock news: Dizzy's child lives with Guido's Mum. Aren't you worried what they'll grow up like...?
you mean you read it on guido. or that you would otherwise have read harman's blog as one of your first duties of the day?
No, the person that emailed Guido also emailed me. Guido just happened to be awake earlier was my point.
how do you know the same person emailed you both?
Because they used BCC and I spoke to Guido this morning minutes after posting?
How do we know this you and not a hacked version? we need to know.
more to the point I`d buy that person a big drink cheered me up no end.
Very funny.
All your blog are belong to us!
guido 404
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