Don't turn it off after it's been on for years and then transport it 120 miles. It will end in tears, it really will.

I have nothing more to add. Now please excuse me whilst I go and kick something or perhaps someone. Does anyone know where I can buy body paint and chickens' blood from in bulk?
Update: Also rubbish. At least the V440 makes a pretty paperweight.

Now.... back to violence and ritual dancing.
You did remember to make a back-up copy?
Those who know feel your pain.
Say what you like about Sun, their stuff looks gorgeous.
Still, there's always this as a possibility(Worksafwe click, honest)
In that state it is far more secure than any government computer. It is far more use than every nuLieBore MP too.
You can have me E450 if you want!
I could use it as an mp3 player in my car
You have tried putting it in the fridge, haven't you? No really, it does work sometimes.
Sharing your pain.
Can't understand a word of this.
Croydonian said:
"Say what you like about Sun, their stuff looks gorgeous."
Hah. You haven't seen the new stuff - V245s, V45s etc. Dull. Silver and exceedingly bland. Only the higher end stuff (V890s and beyond) are still blue & purple :(
My 12 year old grandson recommends wrapping it in a towel and tapping it on the end with a red handled screwdriver. He says it worked for his egg box. ( I think that's what he said )
Thank God I've retired from IT now!!
I send my commiserations.
Last time I had to fix one of those, it took 5 minutes, (That is rumbled bearing syndrome after a long period of use).
Have you tried checking to see if the disks spin up? If not, the cure is to put the disk on a solid surface, (if you can't do this in situ) and give it a rap on the top above the motor bearing with your knuckles.
Still, if you were an old NetWare hand like me you would have left the thing turned on, plugged into a UPS and moved it, though 120 miles would be a bit f a stretch.
I do feel your pain though.
Sun should be out today, think it's some other parts to be honest, on more than one.
Dizzy, if its still under some kind of hardware cover then good. That said I also hope you have not lost any data. That said another possiblity is that things just need re seating in the box.
stating the obvious mate.
I once had a hard drive that wouldn't spin up. I didn't have a lot in the way of backups (learnt my lesson after that) so I was in a jam.
I realised that the hard drive was useless the way it was, so I might as well do the only thing I could. I hit it. Nothing happened. So then I hit it really quite hard. (What else could I do? Dismantling it would let dust in and guarantee that I'd never recover any data.) When I gave it the second, harder bang the drive suddenly spun up and was still readable.
It's always worth a try. :-)
I second both the advice about a gentle tap, and the advice about cooling the disk - at least for a last-ditch attempt at recovery of data. I put a dead disk in the freezer for ten minutes and that made the dodgy bearing run for a few minutes, long enough to mount it and dump the data I needed.
PS If we can have a Pete Chown on this list then I can call myself what I like!
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