Livingstone has made manifesto commitments on bus fares before, he promised not to put the price up. What did he do immediately after being elected? You've guessed it, he put the cost of bus fares up. Not once, but twice.
The fact that he did the opposite of what he said on bus fares before suggests that his latest advert is about as trustworthy as a serial thief. The man has been shown to say one thing and do the complete opposite on bus fares already. Does he seriously think anyone would believe a word he says?
Note also that he is only talking about Oyster fares, you can bet he will be putting up cash fares again and will then put up Oyster fares and pretend he never said he would reduce them. The man's bus fare promises are as bent as a ninety-pence coin.
Hat Tip: Recess Monkey
Ken is a liar, plain and simple.
Non-Oyster fares are a prime example, he first said that they would be higher than the cards to encourage people to get them - fair enough.
Now that the vast majority of people who regularly use London transport have them he continues to hike the price up. He is obviously targeting either visitors, occasional travellers or people who don't want to pay Ken for a service they may never use up front.
At the same time giving away millions on free travel to various groups.
He also said he wouldn't hike he congestion charge from £5 . hmmm
I've heard is a glaze myself in honey I get a discount on the bandwagon.
I would pay a lot more than £1.05 if we could have Routemasters back or a new one which is just as good.
Boris won't need to hike prices if he just gets rid of the free buses and stops giving out discounts to target voter groups and TFL employees' friends etc.
It's not just the officially sanctioned free travellers; the introduction of the "bendy bus" has lead to a whole sector of society travelling for free because they can.
I think Ken realises his time is up, even he and his fellow travellers attacks on Boris for being posh and out of touch sound a bit tired and unenthusiastic.nzm
"his latest advert is about as trustworthy as a serial thief... The man's bus fare promises are as bent as a ninety-pence coin."
But he is, effectively, a serial thief. Oh, and you could say his promises are as bent as a bendy-bus...
Are you seriously suggesting that Boris's hogwash is more reliable? The man who was happy to help Guppy get a journo a kicking? Who is serially dishonest in his private life? Who is forever uttering stupidities that he has to retract?
The whole Transport for London thing is a bit problematic for any mayor. Any plan or intention to change fares etc is subject to a certain amount of horsetrading and plans can be stymied.
"The man who was happy to help Guppy get a journo a kicking?"
Did the kicking occur? Clearly Boris cannot do even the simplest of jobs.
Shock-haired, philandering, bicycling, pretend buffoon Boris valiantly and courageously stalled the impetuous Guppy long enough for the idea of giving the journo a kicking to leave Guppy's tiny mind.
If Boris is no more trustworthy, clever, reliable or honest then Ken;
a) That's not saying much about Ken.
b) Why shouldn't Londoners vote for Boris?
At worst nothing will change.
Can we not leave the Guppy thing behind? The conversation was in the early 90s and Boris didn't pass his address on. If you go back in Ken's history you'll find equally seedy events...
let's make it about what they plan to do for London not what they did decades ago...
I'm not saying anything bad about Ken, especially if he's been drinking he may punch me on the nose ...
Livingstone is the only mainstream politician who stands up to the motoring lobby. This is not especially courageous because motorists constitute a minority of London voters. Johnson has yet to understand this.
The recent trend I really dislike is the shabby growth of advertising around London most of which is courtesy of Tfl. Johnson should concentrate on aesthetics.
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