Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Is the Lib Dem blogosphere rebelling too?

Guido has made hay today from Lib Dem resignations over the Lisbon Treaty issue. It's probably wise not to mince words here, but Nick Clegg was, so it was billed, something for Cameron and the Tories to be scared of, and yet, in the last few days it has become pretty clear that he really is nothing. Cameron has been slated by so many for being weak and light, but, as I said to a Cameron-hating UKIPer earlier today, compared to Clegg he looks like a Elder Statesman, and you know what? They nodded.

That is why resignations have come as they have, because the Lib Dems are clearly split right down the middle on the issue of Europe, the Lisbon Treaty, and the matter of trust about manifesto commitments. Even some of the most staunch Lib Dems cannot sit on the fence and buy the Government line about the treaty being very different, whilst simultaneously claiming they want a referendum on a different question. All power to those people I say, principles are a funny thing after all.

It even looks like the fallout is not just the important inner-circle politicos either. The former campaign manager to Norman Lamb MP, and Lib Dem blogger Nich Starling, even appears to have had enough. He's posted a stinging rebuke saying that "Lib Dems are as prepared to tell lies in order to win votes as any other political party." (err yeah!?!) He even makes it clear that it's not Europe but the "issue of trust". Will any other Lib Dem bloggers be so candid about the complete mess that their weak leader has got them into?

How long before another leadership contest? Third time lucky for Huhne?


Anonymous said...

You Tories never fail to make me chuckle, you don’t get it and will never get it.

You scoff at the lib dems who rebelled, but those rebellious MPs were supporting you…Square that one. Takes flip flopping to new dimensions, ridiculing people who actually supported your amendment to the Lisbon Treaty Bill

Those who rebelled, their seats are now safe as houses. They can go to their constituencies with their heads held high, and will be admired for their stance.

Also today was supposed to be Browns annus horriblous, but he is back at No ten this evening chuckling into his drinking chocolate.

Cameron lost, IWAR look stupid, and furthermore in the weeks running up to this vote IWAR did more to publicize the Treaty debate than the Tories. In fact cowardly cambo hide behind the coat tails of IWAR.

dizzy said...

"You Tories never fail to make me chuckle"

I'm not a member of a political party. I've been a member of a political party though. The Lib Dems and the Tories.

Daily Referendum said...


This idiot has left the same message on my blog, Iain's, Conhome and Lib Dem voice for some strange reason.

Anonymous said...

Clegg looks more vacuous by the day.

At least the thirteen will feel a little safer in their seats.

Ted Foan said...

Dizzy - your anonymous commenter is obviously a LibDem judging from his convoluted argument. So the LibDems will only get 13 seats at the next General Election, eh? Serves them right. Bunch of light weights!

Nich Starling said...

Just one correction, I was Vice Chairman of North norfolk Lib Dems, but never Norman Lamb's campaign manager.

I would happily vote for Norman again, he is a man of enormous integrity and a wonderful MP, but my blind faith in voting for the Lib Dems in all circumstances is shattered.

Anonymous said...

The Lib Dems are a floating wreck. The days where people saw them as a safehouse for those who were unhappy with the two main parties are over.

Alex said...

Dizzy, You are right that the LibDems are in a real mess, but in my humble opinion it isn't over a question of principle or policy but over an electoral own goal.

LibDems have very few principles except some woolly aspirations on "fairness" and "the environment", but as anybody who has campaigned against them knows, they will adopt any policy that gives them an electoral advantage. A typical example would be where they would support massive housing developments because that would cause a redrawing of electoral boundaries potentially in their favour.

What has happened here is that the MP's who voted against a referendum have left themselves exposed to attacks on their integrity at the next election and in many cases the few hundred votes they might lose would be enough to make them lose their seats. Winning and holding seats without any prospect of power is what motivates LibDem MP's; Hence the large number of LibDem rebels.