Apparently Dan Hannan took one of them, but not even Roger Helmer, who you'd have thought as a prominent member of Better Off Out, didn't wear one . Perhaps they thought it unbecoming of their positions? However, if the policy for a referendum is genuine, and I don't doubt that it is, surely Tory MEPs should be joining in with a protest calling for a referendum in the European Parliament, shouldn't they? Or were they told not too from above?
Why not get some base ball caps, I'm sure willy vague will be happy to support this Tory inspired, and naff stunt.
Were do you people get off.. People sized Brown Ale bottles, 99 red balloon stunts, the list goes on.
You want to be taken seriously, but every time I see a Tory or their supporters you are acting like excited students.
Tories and t-shirts? Really. I suspect the problem was their tie-makers weren't quick enough.
Err Anon, it wasn't a Tory inspired stunt, have you lost the ability to read or do you just pretend to be thick?
Dressing down to look like Lib-Dems, why ever should they think of doing something so silly?
Nonny @ 14:32
You're a frikking idiot. At least read what Dizzy wrote.
It wasn't a Conservative stunt. They do however get off on taking the piss out of Labour. Mea culpa mea maxima culpa.
I think it's more a matter of decorum than politics... Everyone would condemn Tory MPs as being crass and ridiculous if they turned up in the House of Commons wearing yellow T-shirts with chickens on them. So whether they agree with the Treaty or not isn't the issue - behaving with a degree of professionalism is.
I;d love it MPs did that. At least they'd be normal.
The only good Tory is a dead Tory.
Donning a proper chicken suit is far better, and yeah, to hell with decorum, if only I get to see one or more huge chickens sit in the commons.
The only good Tory is a dead Tory.
I'm sorry, this is a tad wrong.
The only Tory is a dead Tory that I am present at the burial. You know what lying bastards Tories are! They say they are dead, but they lie!
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