That this House notes the concern of Asian restaurateurs that new immigration regulations are causing a shortage of tandoori and curry chefs; further notes that this shortage is threatening the viability of many restaurants that have contributed both financially and culturally to the UK; and calls on the Government to review the regulations, such as the need to speak good English before arrival, so as to ensure an adequate supply of temporary work visas for tandoori and curry chefs.Then we have EDM 988 which says
That this House expresses concern at the continued practice of defining a pint of beer and lager as only 95 per cent. liquid; notes that this costs consumers over £400 million annually; supports the call from the Campaign for Real Ale that a `pint' should be a `pint'; and calls upon the Government to legislate for a pint to be defined as 100 per cent. liquid.Presumably it was a double-whammy for Richard, he didn't get sufficently pissed because of the 5% loss of beer and then he couldn't find a decent bloody curry house afterwards. You can imagine the conversation too. "aaaahh tell you what *hic* I'll table a bloody motion about this I will. I love you. Oh no, I lost my glasses *hic*"
Next week motions about the appalling lack of reasonably priced lap dancing clubs, and then one complaining about how black cabs costs too much to get back to the taxpayer funded second flat at 3am!
Can he really be a Lib Dem? He sounds much too sensible.
EDMs are a waste of time and money. They are said to cost about £250 each. (God knows why.) MPs who feel the need to unburden themselves on minor matters of public concern, or to congratulate their local football club, should get a website.
How can an EDM cost £250?
That figure seems far too large and conveniently rounded to be true.
It is evenly rounded and slightly inaccurate. It's more. The cost of EDMs in a year was published in Hansard, divide it by the number of EDMs tabled and you have the cost of them. Was about just shy of £300
The tragic truth is that he has probably never had a curry drinks Evian and would cut off his shrivelled PC testes rather than attend a lap dancing club.( file under MPs pretending to be human a large file containing marriages and football enthusiasms and most redeeming features of politicians )
You do know these have nothing to do with Lap tops Dizzy. Sorry its just boring old naked women...tuh,
*Dizzy immediately regains working flaccidity*
How could he possibly lose those glasses? They're bigger than the ones Timmy used to own.
If I were hiring staff for an English restaurant and advertisedthat only native born English speaking white candidates would be considered I would find myself in breach of the law.
If a bangladeshi were told he was not right for the job he would be up for thousands for 'hurt feelings, mental anguish etc'
I presume that none of the bangladeshis already here and on the dole cannot, or will not, be trained.
Pints should indeed by 100% liquid. All the head and bubbles is a load of bollocks.
The curry thing is quite a big issue though:
isn't he strange looking? What's with the specs?
Surely they can train up Polish people to cook Indian food, but it will take time ?
Not sure I understand the point about beer drinkers. If they moved to having 'over-sized' glasses, as some pubs do, to give you a full pint with a head on top, then the brewers are just going to add 5% to the cost as sure as night follows day ?
BUT, BUT, …….
Getting a full pint and a decent curry is very important. Well, it is to me.
At least Richard Younger-Ross is doing something, even if Dizzy does not like it.
Look at the performance figurely on theyworkforyou recently, the tories are still in winter hibernation
So, to reduce the average cost, one probably just needs to table more, as I am sure the variable cost of each is minimal.
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