All those people that go a long journey and find themselves thirsty are now it seems morally reprehensible. Why.. doesn't anyone know they should be drinking coca cola? Diet of course so that we can stave off the obesity epidemic, and caffeine free too so that you don't have a heart attack and cost the state lots of money as well.
The MP for Oldham clearly doesn't seem to concerned either with those people in Buxton (just down the road from his own constituency) who have quite a stake in the bottled water market. Meanwhile, his colleague, Tim Lang, the Government's naural resources commissioner said,
"We have to make people think that it's unfashionable just as we have with smoking. We need a similar campaign to convince people that this is wrong,"Would this be the wrong time to mention the House of Commons spends around £60,000 a year on bottled mineral water, and, since 2002, has managed to purchase £314,056 worth of the stuff?
When I did my dissertation on New Labour I came to the conclusion that they would be social authoritarians, but I must say I never imagined that they would take their social engineering to the level where they would try make people feel morally corrupt for drinking bloody water.
On the lighter side now is the perfect time to remind people that Evian is actually 'Naive' backwards. Them Frenchies have been laughing at us and that's a good enough reason to buy Buxton instead.
Watch Penn & Tellers bullshit on bottled water its eye opening.
I find a lot of things this government spends my money on morally unacceptable but they take as much notice of me as I do of them.
Never seen the point of wasting hard earned dosh on bottled water in a country that has coast to coast drinkable water on tap.
Because the tap water doesn't come in 'sparkling'.. (well, only when there's a gas leak...)
Because we have a state hellbent on 1984-style drugging.. sorry... medication, of the population via the water supply..
If Labour think I am going to drink tap water then they can go to hell.
Aren't there more important issues for Labour to deal with?
Is this just another attmept to distract the press and the public from their complete incompetence?
If the water in this neck of the woods didn't taste so disgusting I'd be happy to drink it. I don't think United Utilities knows the meaning of the term 'potable water'. Even a filter jug doesn't get rid of the cocktail of chemical flavours. I'd really prefer not to buy bottled water - but I'd also like to be able to taste a proper cup of tea without it tasting of swimming pool.
I agree that Woolas is a minister in this government and therefore a complete idiot, but regularly drinking bottled water in England at a quid a bottle is also a pretty stupid thing to do.
Voting for Labour candidates should be made as unfashionable as smoking, according to Spotty Muldoon.
"We have to make people think that it's unfashionable, just as we have with smoking. We need a similar campaign to convince people that this is wrong," he said. He also said that the amount of money donated to Labour "borders on being morally unacceptable".
New research shows that voting for a Labour Government has the same impact on the quality of life as firing a 9mm bullet into the brain from a distance of 30cm.
A BBC Panorama documentary, "Nu Labour: Who Needs It?", ( very unlikely to be made ) says that in terms of production, a Labour Gov generates up to 600 times more COckups than could be imagined.
Tap water is alright to drink, providing you can carbonate it. If you like a flavour -- cordials are your friend.
Of course, this would mean that the lefties would have to buy a product made in Israel... and most of them would rather raid the holy water bowl in the local catholic church than do that.
And no, there is nothing wrong with buying your water in bottles either, I changed to a Sodastream because I got fed up with lugging tons of bottles, not because it was the moral thing to do.
"Them Frenchies have been laughing at us and that's a good enough reason to buy Buxton instead"
Yep, show the the french what is what, by buxton water and give your money to the Swiss instead.
Good chocolate
Wood it be a good idea if polticians just stopped talking altogether? They seem incapable of opening their mouths without making bloody fools of themselves.
Sorry Dizzy, you've got all revved up and gone nowhere. They aren't trying to put any restrictions on bottled water, they're just saying it should be discouraged.
A lot of bottled water drinking is completely futile, as people can drink water of just as good quality from a tap. If tap water quality were improved, it would be even better.
It serves only to keep the industry in business. And cause a great deal of pollution. Someone who is out joggingcan drink tap water from a refillable durable container. Restaurants, additionally, shouldn't charge over the odds for something from a bottle. Things in this country are already too expensive without having to pay for water.
Had I said that they were putting restrictions on it you might have a point, but I didn't so you don't.
If people are choosing to drink bottled water, and gain satisfaction from it then it is by no means 'futile', regardless of the fact that you may not be able to stretch your tiny mind around the concept.
Yes, Anonymong at 16:40, my mind is really fucking minute. And people who buy bottles of water, when they could be drinking tapwater of equal quality for free, are intellectual giants.
When I can go into any shop in any town and ask them to provide me a glass of tap water then he might have a point, until then why don't these numpties just shut the fuck up?
Predictably the BBC jumped onto the carbon footprint aspect...
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