Tuesday, February 19, 2008

BBC refuses to cover EU Constitution vote

Did you know that the European Parliament will debate tomorrow and then vote on Lisbon Treaty and if it doesn't get voted through it cannot be ratified? I didn't know that until a few minutes ago myself, but it's true apparently. The EP, which has bugger all actual power for the most part could, tomorrow, stop the treaty dead in tracks. No referendum needed, just MEP's arguments and votes. Of course next to no one in the UK will be aware of that because the BBC, which is the primary source of information for so many people, considers EU politics 'foreign news' even when British sovereignty is at stake - unless it's a Tory Government of course in which case it will be covered to death because that promotes splits, but I digress.

You may be wondering why it won't be covered on the BBC and the answer is quite worrying and equally shameful. Firstly many of the editors and staff there simply don't understand the implications of such things, but in other cases they just don't think it's a matter of importance. This is certainly the case for one of the editors of the Today Programme, arguably the Beeb's flagship agenda setting news programme. Apparently, so Her Royal Highness Trixy informs me, an editor by the name of Tamsin Cantspellhersurname has decided that Today will not be covering the story because it's simply not important enough.

Yes that's right. A debate and vote in the European Parliament on the EU Constitution - sorry I of course mean the Lisbon Treaty - which could see the treaty kicked out, is not important enough for the mighty Beeb to cover for the population and its licence payer. You can bet your bottom dollar TF1, RTL and other euro-channels will cover it, but we in Britian don't get EU news fed to us like the rest of them. Frankly it's no wonder that so-called Eurosceptic 'scare' stories are like they are when the British public has no view of what is going on in EU politics from its state broadcaster that is supposed to have the public interest at heart.

Thank you Auntie I say! A referendum on the treaty is a pretty hot political issue isn't it? Proactively failing to cover and report a crucial vote on it in the European Parliament is surely a dereliction of your duty to us. Nice one, what are you? Too chicken?


Anonymous said...

Not as important as Cuba, is it?

Quite a pathetic response from the nation's mouthpiece Dizzy.

Anonymous said...

What can you say - they're a bunch of cunts. At best they can be described as raving socialists, at worse... well you'd never publish it.

Anonymous said...

Free Europe - by voting YES at www.FreeEurope.info...

Blackacre said...

Whilst I am sure I come at it from a different perspective (as I am in favour of the Treaty), I totally agree with you that we should have more coverage of what our other elected representatives are up to in Brussels/Strasbourg/wherever.

Dave said...

And how many MEPs are unhappy that the Beeb never report what they get up to?


more silence
