And now he's been done for using a mobile phone whilst driving breaking one of his own Government's laws. Not very good considering he's a former copper. He sent a letter to the Magistrate saying he was taking an urgent deportation call, ended up with three points, £100 fine with £35 costs and a £15 victim surcharge.
Don't forget though, he will use his earned money to pay for that. So that's us that are paying his fine really.
It's a little bit concerning that a Minister of State should use his mobile to decide an urgent deportation call.
I presume he had all the relevant files on his lap as he was driving.
Another case of a NuLabor Minister making it up as he goes along.
I thought he travelled everywhere by train.
One law for us and another law for them. No surprise there then. The fact that this time one of the nulab establishment got caught merely makes him the exception that proves the rule.. Little wonder then that Byrne seems to believe that the law doesn't apply to him since, Most of the time, he's right.
MPs in HOC are exempt from the draconian no smoking rules forced on 13 million smokers in UK. Exempt from duty on cigarettes, drink and other duty free items. Exempt from being listed on the sex offenders register should they commit such an offence.
Exempt from the effects of the swingeing stealth taxes they force down our throats - they just vote themselves compensatory pay increases.
Their golden pension pots and terms and conditions of retirement are exempt from the draconian regulations they've imposed on the rest of us.
Their snout in the trough expenses and perks are exempt from the normal requirement to verify these - all part of the huge scandal of nulab making themselves less and less accountable in every sense.
They are largely exempt from the Stalinist micro-management of life they've imposed on us great unwashed too.
One thing they are not exempt from though, is the swing of that great electoral pendulum. From what I've heard when I've been out Referenduming on the streets of Harlow for the past fortnight, it's coming for you, nulabbers, and there's now nothing you can do to stop it!
Auntie Flo'
If you are called 'Liam', there's a greater than average chance that you are an oik.
I can't find anything about Byrne being a former copper - it's not in his website biography and I can't see it on wikipedia.
Not necessarily saying he wasn't, but I'd be interested to know what possessed a police officer to join the Labour Party.
Referenced in the Telegraph article
I don't remember whether or not Liam was a police officer, but I do know that he's from Harlow - and the image of his father, Dermot, former general Manager of Harlow Council.
Liam was campaigning here in Harlow in the run up to a council by-election a few weeks ago - alongside our government minister MP, Bill Rammell, and one other minister - Harman? I'm told that the ministers three looked decidedly dejected at the greeting Harlow people gave them.
Labour lost one of the two wards in the election to the Conservatives, though it managed to hang onto a staunch Labour ward.
So the speech Liam made at a local school, during which he blamed the Conservatives for UK's migration mess (!) didn't seem to cut much ice with us here in Harlow.
He did, however raise a laugh with the following:
"In the next year, I will oversee, if I last, the biggest shake-up of the immigration system in its history. In 12 months time our immigration system will have changed out of all recognition."
We laughed our socks off. Pull the other one, Liam
Auntie Flo'
" Don't forget though, he will use his earned money to pay for that. So that's us that are paying his fine really. "
and we are paying for his jaffa cakes as well. It is his money to spend as he likes - are you really a Conservative?
"I bet it will be paid out of 'expenses'.
I'd like to see the proof that it was an 'urgent deportation call'. Wouldn't matter in the case as it's illegal to drive and use a mobile but it'd be very interesting to see if a minister of the crown tried to lie to a judge as a way of getting any leniency...
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