Now you may say I'm being partisan (and yes I am), but Gordon likes to tell us he loves the whole of Britain, how comes his future boss is willing to dress like the rest of us, whilst his counterpart from the new World Champions nation is too? Yet Gordon? No, not a chance!
Couldn't be because he's Scottish could it?
Update: Could anyone imagine any other President doing what Thabo Mbeki did this evening? To be lifted up with the team? Would Gordon have done it if England had won?
No, it's because although he looks a prat in a suit and tie, he'd look even more of a prat in sports gear
So what you're saying is is that he's a prat?
I concur. What a game!
I noticed (with wry satisfaction) that no England player paid Gordo any attention when having to walk by and shake his hand. He kept trying the "big man" act, clapping them on the shoulder / back / elbow (moree often than not as they were walking away, which is a bit desperate), and trying to speak to them - especially Jonny Wilkinson - as they walked on by without even looking at him.
I hope he felt duly humiliated, and concur that even had he been willing to be lifted with the team, they wouldn't even have thought to do so, much less wanted to if some spinmeiser had suggested it to them.
I wonder what the boy wonder Cameron was wearing, if he was there?
My one consolation is honourable defeat is that the photo opportunity reception at 10 Downing Street just went out of the window.
Somehow I think that if the team had lifted GG onto their shoulders holding the cup Jonny (my hero of the evening) would have found a way to dump him on his head.
Brown's a twat of the first degree and even turning up just show shim up even more.
Mbeki's head of state, so old Queeny should have designated Wills to take her place - at leadt he could wear the shirt
Not really sure what he thought he was doing there. I'd have had more respect for him if he had stayed at home, saying he supported Scotland. It didn't do Blair much good when he tried to hitch himself to the Ashes bandwagon a couple of years ago - the players weren't exactly complimentary if I remember...
Come on. Mbeki is a disgrace to his country. His denial of the link between HIV and Aids could cost South Africa, and indirectly the rest of the continent, millions of lives in the years to come. Brown is a Very Bad Thing in many ways, but let's not get carried away.
A confession- I am 56 I went to F***** High School, a Scottish Senior Seconday (i.e. Grammar ) School.
In a late 1960 rugby match against Kirkcaldy High School, I was in the front row of the F***** scrum when there was an incident in a mual when I "accidently" elbowed a Kirkcaldy forward in the eye and he was taken off and taken to hospital.
I wonder what happened to him
Travis... couldn't agree more. Gordo was a fish out of water. Rugby players can spot a fraud a mile off. Gordo is Scottish and to suggest anything else is frankly farcical. In fact a bit like suggesting if Gordo had had an opportinuity to win with a majority of 100 , he still wouldn't have called an Election.,..for the good of the country..... Yeah right!
I agree with Travis and , I was thinking just that. It was galling to see the pallid tart in on the act though . Imagine Livingstone at the olympics ....shudder ...
Surely SOMEBODY noticed how he hugged the three black players, who, if my memory serves me right did FA during the game?. 98% of the white players were given just handshakes.
Let’s hope the black majority in SA support the Team - unlike their President...
Be fair Dizzy. How ridiculous would it be if a Scot wore an England top?
As for Prince Billy...isn't he Vice-Patron of the WRU?
I wish brown had worn an england shirt...that would have been his "kinnock" moment
In the pub where I was watching the rugby everyone joined in with the national anthem at the start. The moment the camara took a shot of Gordon Brown there were louds boos and then as the camera cut away we were all singing the anthem again. Most amusing!
The day Brown wears an England shirt is the day I emigrate.
Politician are all the same. Notice how Thabo Mbeki gestured vigorously for the cup as he was held aloft. You could see his brain thinking “Photo op! Photo op!"
ps: well done on getting to the final, and all that.
anon @ 10/20/07 10:28 PM
Absolutely. I was cringing every time - Brown looked so utterly unnatural. I expect millions of others noticed too.
What a contrast to Sarkozy and Mbeki (disgrace that he is) who were completely at ease with the players.
I'm glad I found likeminded people.
Mbeki had no business being hoisted in the air with the cup.
Ashwin Willemse who pretty much did nothing in the whole game (or tournament really) was among the centre of attention around the cup the whole time.
Also if Wilko had hoisted Gordon Brown he only would have injured himself anyway.
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