Pretty serious accusations - I didn't even know that we had an "abortion industry" so to speak in this country - it makes it sound like a production line with lots of knitting needles.
However, these accusations pale in insignificance for me compared to something I have just learned from reading Nadine's maiden speech to Parliament. It seems that her grandfather was a founder of Everton FC and she is a Liverpool fan. Blood traitor.
She's rather gorgeous though!!
She reminds of Heather 'Princess Diana' Mills 'Kate McCann' McCartney..
Boo-hoo, nobody loves me, everyone is against me, the press hates me, I am so hard done by boo-hoo, shoot the gyppoes...boo-hoo
So she must be a Catholic then? No suprise she supports Liverpool.
Don't criticise Nadine D too much.
I appreciate your allegiance to the Goodison side of the City. My father was from Glasgow (from a family of serious blue-noses)My mother was from the Wirral. In the period 1946-1949, my late parents would come down from Scotland to the Wirral for a weekend break (i.e. to visit my mom's parents)On the Saturday, my mother's brothers would take my father to a match and depending on the the date, they would go to the cloakroom and collect a blue or red scarf i.e. whoever was at home.
Dad being of the Ibrox loyality could never quite fathom this out-image a Scottish house with Blue and Green scarves?(don't be stupid) but of course then, most of the scousers had recently been in various battalions of the Kings Regt together, so football loyalties take a low priority when say if you were a red and the guy who saved your life in the Imphal Box was a Blue- football takes second place. So when I look at the w/e results, me I am quite happy seeing Liverpool or Everton win
P.S. Taking account of their various traditions, how come Liverpool have a good relationship with Celtic and Everton with Rangers?
P.P.S. Former Everton Chairman, Sir Phillip Carter was Chairman fo Liverpool Conservatives while former Tory Councillor Sid Moss was a Liverpool FC Director and former Conservative Candidite Donald Finlay was Vice Chairman of Rangers FC. Formers Labour Homne Secretary, John Reid is Chairman Deisgnate of Celtic. Q.E.D.
"Follow, Follow, we will follow Rangers"
Proof of evolution surely? Each generation gets slightly better than the last...?
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