Monday, September 17, 2007

Will Sheffield Hallam be the birthplace of the coup against Ming?

A couple of anonymous posters have commented in recent weeks asaying my post are getting too long. What can I say, no Parliament means the short punchy stuff based on the day-to-day stuff just isn't there. However, I hope this post will do, as it poses a simple question.

Why did the former Liberal Democrat MP for Sheffield Hallam, Richard Allen, register a domain name in July for his successor, Nick Clegg, of when Nick Clegg already has a website at another address?

Is Mr Clegg having a redesign done by his predecessor? Is his predcessor planning to usurp him and make a run for Parliament again? Or maybe Clegg is preparing the way for a 'special' website that differentiates him from his standard MP one? I can't help but remember that Hazel Blears used .com for her deputy leadership bid whilst maintaining a as her MP site.

All very curious indeed, I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation though!


Anonymous said...

The explanation you're looking for is that the Lib Dems need a new leader and people are lining up to stick the knife in when the time comes.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Richard Allan is now a well known bod in e-democracy nationally, working for Cisco systems, so it's not beyond the bounds of possibility that he's doing a site redesign, or just securing every domain name for nick clegg.

Not saying your story isn't true, but it's worth thinking of richard allan in context here.