Friday, August 10, 2007

Stick the right rosette on a donkey?

How amusing, there's a group on Facebook called Brian Braddock for Hawkesmoor a "campaign to elect Brian Braddock as the next Conservative MP for Hawkesmoor". Does Hawkesmoor exist as a constutiency? I can't find a reference to it. And who is Brian Braddock?

Amusingly, Nigel Evans MP, Damien Green MP and Louise Bagshawe are members of the group as well, and also quite a few people from Conservative Future. Does this just go to show that if you stick the right colour rosette on something lots of people will blindly sign up?

The joy of Facebook and just clicking without thinking huh? I think the admins of the group may very well be, as some might say, taking the piss? (Iain Lindley please stand up? Unless of course it's a new constituency created from the boundary changes and I'm just being dumb? It's certainly not listed at the moment.

Update: Can't find any Hawkesmoor Conservative Association, nor an Albion Street in Haverford. Hell I can't even find a place called Haverford, there's a place called Haverfordwest in Wales though. There doesn't seem to be an Albion Street there, which I guess is hardly a surprise for Wales.

Update II: As kindly pointed out in the comments by JuliaM, Brian braddock is...... Captain Britain!

Update III: I have had a response from Iain Lindley about the group, he says
"Braddock for Hawkesmoor was created (not by me I might add, I am but a small co-conspirator) in response to the Conservative Future For Britain Facebook group. CF4B has gained a significant number of Facebook members because it seems to be an all-encompassing CF group, whereas in reality it is a vehicle for a CF Exec election campaign. The plan was to prove the point and see how many people would sign up to a Conservative-related group without actually bothering to read the small print. It seems to have worked rather too well, although a decent proportion of the membership are in on the joke!"


anthonynorth said...

Looks like they may have descended into mythology. If they can win in fiction, it may rub off on society.
That's what storytelling does, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

"And who is Brian Braddock?"

Must be this guy:


jailhouselawyer said...

Haverford? I would rather have a BMW...

Anonymous said...

Jack Hawksmoor is another superhero, the leader of the neo-con supergroup, the Authority.

Anonymous said...

Damn you ruined our fun!"

Anonymous said...

Presumably this is the cyberspace equivalent of having an 'imaginary friend'?

Anonymous said...

I had a friend at university who would always use superhero names for made up people. I note that he is a member of this group, interesting.....

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, nice work Phil. I saw this and didn't join because I didn't know the guy, you're right, a lot of people just join any old group.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Guilty as charged. I will sign up to any group that says it supports a Tory candidate. I suppose it's naive just assume people are what they say...

But on the other hand, who *wouldn't* vote for Captain Britain? Put him on the A list!

Croydonian said...

As all PWEI fans could tell you, 'Alan Moore knows the score...'

Graeme Archer said...

I admit I joined this group! I did think 'albion street' sounded suspiciously good name for a Tory HQ :-0)

PS the 'Boff 4 Mayor' facebook group is 100% genuine. Join today!

Anonymous said...

Brian Braddock eh?

That's nothing - here in Tooting Susan Richards is one of our local councillors!

JuliaM said...

"That's nothing - here in Tooting Susan Richards is one of our local councillors!"

Heh! This could start a trend ;)

Anonymous said...

Dear Dizzy,

You may, or may not have noticed that I have grasped the nettle of technological change and joined Facebook a while back.

Insecure, popularity-seeking politician that I am, it immediately appealed to me when I was first shown it by my young American intern Stormy. Although I am mildly put out to find that I have less friends than Nigel Evans, I do have quite a few, most of whom I aware that I do not 'exist'. However I am now getting correspondence from all sorts of people and not just the usual Christians in wheel-chairs. Everything from unsavoury neo-Con Republican students to fragrant young femme-fatales with their eye on hooking an older man (some of whom seem, for some reason, to also be friends with my 'friend' Andrew Neil too). Others just want my opinion on the matters of the day, to lobby me on issues, or invite me to events and who haven't the first clue who I am.

While I am here, let me say that enjoy your 'blog' when I am occasionally allowed onto a computer and would urge you to keep up the good work,


Peter Mannion MP
Shadow Minister for Social Affairs & Citizenship

dizzy said...

How very droll

dizzy said...

Have just message our good Peter Mannion on Facebook. It may be that someone is outrageously impersonating a fictional character that has a Facebook account so it is important to find out I think.

dizzy said...

I can confirm that the Peter Mannion posting above was not an impersonator and really was the fictional character that has an account on Facebook. No sock puppets here, on no!

A Conservative Future for Britain said...

We've obviously rattled a few cages if they have to start playing dirty tricks like this.

However, on the whole, we have received a very positive welcome from CF members both inside and outside London.

Please join our facebook group, I can assure you it isn't a hoax:
