We then have the front page lead story of the Times and the BBC, reporting how an 11 year old football fan (pictured) called Rhys Jones was fatally shot by another teenager wearing a hood and riding a BMX. But of coruse there isn't a problem you udnerstand. Crime is down don't you know, these isolated incidnets of teenagers stabbing and shooting each other is not a sign that something is happening to our culture.
Jesus wept. David Cameron observers the rising trend of extreme violence amongst the young today based on hard and real empirical evidence like the fact that 17 teenagers have been stabbed or shot to death in London alone this year by their peers (that's about a two a month) and he's irresponsibly scaremongering and being opportunistic?
No, he's a father who lives in London. He also happened to be lucky enough to be in a position of being able to say what he's thinking (and what many other people are thinking) and actually get heard. It takes a staggering degree of deliberate ignorance on the part of someone like Beverly Hughes to act like everything is alright.
One only has to briefly search on YouTube to find all manner of videos and imagery of teengae gangs posing with their "crews" with a 9mm in tow to see that there is a growing problem. Meanwhile, whilst teengaers are shooting each other down we have the news that a 12 year-old boy was taken to court for assault with a sausage. It's a cliche to say "you couldn't make it up" but honestly, you couldn't.
The BBC were even surprisingly neutral last night - pointing out some of these kids were little more than toddlers when Labour came into power.
Typical New Lab, blame someone else and hope the problem just vanishes.
Some reports state that 'Sausage boy' had had three previous warnings, that the OAP who was hit by the sausage thought it was a stone, and that he had lodged several complaints with the police about being harassed and intimidated by a group of kids which included 'Sausage boy'.
If these reports are true perhaps we should encourage the Police and the CPU for trying to send a warning to these kids before the kids get guns...
Beverley Hughes - no doubt riding high following her successes at immigration. She makes even Prescott look half way competent.
Jacqui Smith on BBC "our hearts go out blah blah blah" and then proceeded to push out this garbage, that nobody believes for a minute, that crime is going down. Do they have coaching in keeping a straight face?
And one wonders why people are being driven to emigrate?
As the article below asks, why stay?
While money is thrown down the pan bringing Sausage Boy to court, and a violent lunatic (see Devils Kitchen or the Daily Mail for details) gets let off with a piss-ant fine, other stuff doesn't even get to court because of pre-judgement by the CPS. Why should we have any faith at all in these people?
The most interesting thing about this is that the attacks on Cameron ring quite so hollow. It seems to me that Brown and his crew actually have no idea how to deal with someone who speaks the truth, so they resort to name calling (desperate/scaremongering/cuts etc)and don't address the problem either with action, or in fact with even a new czar or commission. That particular wayout ( seen to be doing something) is moribund.
See Mr Eugenedies on yoof crime in scotland where they spend circa £1000 per criminal to no avail. The Nulab Gaulieter there who has been forced to relinquish her portfolio to SNP won't even discuss her numerous failings!
Message to Bev - you're a lying toe- rag- no one beleived you on immigration and they don't beleive you on this!!!
I think a problem here is that we only focus on the sensational, like shootings, and people think: well, that's still unusual.
Last Friday night my 21 year old son was beaten up returning from a night out in a sleepy country town. Knocked unconscious, he was repeatedly kicked in the face whilst down. He was unconscious for several hours, and one more kick would have blinded him in one eye.
Such 'stories' never make the news. But what did the police tell him? Oh yes, they're searching for the gang to charge them with GBH, but in this sleepy country town, that night he was one of six people beaten up - IN ONE NIGHT!
These are facts that should be reported, and rammed down the throat of this complicit government.
"Meanwhile, whilst teengaers are shooting each other down we have the news that a 12 year-old boy was taken to court for assault with a sausage."
He's lucky it wasn't a pork sausage, and the victim a Muslim or he'd be up for a racially-aggravated offence!
"It takes a staggering degree of deliberate ignorance on the part of someone like Beverly Hughes to act like everything is alright."
Yeah, but you have to admit - she's the woman for the job, if 'staggering ignorance' is required....
"If these reports are true perhaps we should encourage the Police and the CPU for trying to send a warning to these kids before the kids get guns..."
No, a warning isn't what these kids need (if by that, you mean Sausage Boy). They need a bloody good thrashing and a few months in an approved school. The fact that the CPS & police are reduced to these half measures should be considered an utter disgrace, not a reason for congratulation!
yet more proof that disarming law abiding citizens only encourages the arming of criminals.
anyone else notice the correlation between introducing more and more anti-gun laws and an INCREASE in gun crime?
a similar thing has already happened in the U.S. - the state with the strictest gun laws (Washington D.C.) has the highest levels of gun crime.
labour MP on c4 news tonight - turns out that a gang of thugs in that area of liverpool had been given ASBOs.
so rather than locking up the bastards and throwing away the key, they got ASBOs -
and now an 11 year is dead.
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