While Prescott is "finalising arrangements" for moving out of Admiralty House, it seems Margaret Beckett is still living in her 'grace and favour' home in Carlton Gardens. It may even be they're both still using ministerial cars on security grounds, but as security arrangements are never commented on that bit would be nothing more than wild speculation on my part.
However, frankly it remains quite amazing that Prescott and Beckett remain in these properties at the taxpayers expense. Both will have received pretty hefty severance and redundancy packages since the handover of power almost a month ago, and yet they still haven't found somewhere to live?
Couldn't they just share Beckett's caravan in the meantime?
N.B: Yes that photo of her does make her look like she has hunchback. Why do you think I picked it?
That's nothing! Isn't David Blunkett still squatting in his grace and favour flat? After being forced to resign in disgrace twice. Why don't the Tories call them on it? God, these people are corrupt and low.
"Couldn't they just share Beckett's caravan in the meantime?"
Please, Dizzy, I've just eaten.
What's the betting that they don't receive a tax demand, like us mere mortals, from HMCR as well?
Ah but in true communista oops socialist fashion, the party will provide..
Perhaps we should deduct the costs from the taxes that we pay..
She's hot!! She could come stay in my apartment.
If I'm not mistaken - and I may be - Blunkett also retains his ministerial car. Why? What does he have on Blair?
Whatever it is, Brown is in on it. This,including the ridiculous Prescott, is a little cabal and they all know something.
What's with these people? They obviously have no shame. They should be evicted immediately & made to use their constituency homes. Having to commute and/or find somewhere to live in London at their own expense is all they deserve.
Dizzy - not only is she hunchbacked, she looks like those pictures of confused old people who have been left on hospital beds for days.
That would explain our incoherent foreign policy then.
Presumably these peole had somewhere to live before they took up their G&F houses. I seem to recall that at one time Prescott had a flat from his sponsoring union but he let that out to his son.
Having watched Mr.B. in action at 11 Downing Street when he scoffed canapes like they were his last supper I can hazard a guess
And Beckett was allowed to employ her 80 year old husband as her "assistant" on a salary and pension. These people are so corrupt they don't even know they're corrupt.
Richard Havers, if "Mr B" is Mr Brown and not Mr Blunkett, I could have guessed that he is immensely, gruesomely greedy. There's an inner emptiness to this individual that I am sure he continually seeks to fill. Looking at him actually makes me feel queasy.
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