Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Master class in casting

Without a doubt the episode of Dr Who that just finished is one of the best ever. The Master is back and he's regenerated, and the casting is superb.

As a Dr Who fan, I have to say that I thought the casting of David Tennant as the Doctor was a stroke of genius. He does comedy and arrogance brilliantly, but the casting as revealed tonight of John Simm as The Master was, if you a pardon the pun, a masterstroke.


Anonymous said...

Shit, I missed it!
I've long been awaiting the return of the Master. He gives coherency to a series that otherwise lacks any running sub-plots at all (apart from the yucky love thing)

Chris Paul said...

Derek Jacobi was good too and there is a useful Master wiki page.

I also liked the Doctor's throwaway about the sad state of Tory Boy Blogging.

dizzy said...

Derek Jacobi is the master of In The Night Garden

Anonymous said...

Chris, a remarkably poor comment about Conservative bloggers.

Aside from that, I agree Dizzy a great episode though I will put my own take on it on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Much as I think John Simm's a great actor, I think it's a bit early to judge him as The Master as he was barely in it for 5 minutes. Next episode will tell. I have a horrible feeling though that there is part of me which will struggle to accept him as the Master without a sinister black beard.

Anonymous said...

It's being repeated tonight at 8 on BBC 3

Nich Starling said...

I agree with you Dizzy 100%. I thoroughly enjoyed it and wokred out he was The Master just before it all happened on screen (then I had to explain to my wife who is five years younger than me who The Master was as she didn't know).

As big Lif On Mars fans, the casting of Simm is a masterstroke.

Chris Paul said...

Oh Benedict. The Doctor's quote was about ALL bloggers. And the gay Captain and the black medical student who were "blogging" are of course good socialists. It was a joke. Ha ha.