Monday, June 25, 2007

Consultation on multi-billion pound hole in the ground begins

Well it's nearly been a whole year since the Government announced how it was going to dispose of nuclear waste and now it seems it's started it's consultation on where they're actually going to do it. Apparently, according to the Environment Minister, Iain Pearson, the disposal facility will be a "high-technology, multi-billion pound project that will bring investment and jobs for generations. It will result in significant economic and social benefits both for the host community and the wider surrounding area."

Considering the report last year said that the best thing to do was dig a really big and really deep hole, I have to say that a really bloody expensive hole. But seriously, whether it is safe or not, I'm not quite sure how many people are going to want to live in the "wider surrounding area". Of course if they live there already I guess it'll be a case of tough shit. Press releases about the consultation appear to have been sent out to select regions thus far, bizarrely including London.


Anonymous said...

Now't surprising about London - we got plenty of deep, long holes here.

T'is called the tube netwrek.

Of course, if Ken kept his trap shut for a while, there wouldn't be so much radioactive fallout from the b*llsh*t.

Anonymous said...

Have it up here. We're not arsed.

Chris Paul said...

Aren't they already digging a bloody big hole in East London? Stick the first batch down there? Show the rest of the country by example that it's all fine. And give all those jobs to cheery Londoners.

Anonymous said...

The SNP Government has said "Never"! (in Scotland), so that narrows it down a bit.....

Anonymous said...

The soft clays of the South are quite good for a radioactive waste repository. The last time this exercise was carried out the best site geologically was in the South - Suffolk actually. Turned out to be in the then Environment Secretary's constituency (John Gummer's) and the report was never published and Sellafield was selected instead.

haddock said...

Animal life is taking over around Chernobyl, Weird mutations are not stalking the land...
Hysteria beats science any day.
A lot of the 'toxic waste' is overalls, gloves, overshoes etc that would be safe enough in the nearest wheelie bin. As no great harm, or even teensy-weensy harm has befallen anyone yet from nuclear waste, why not just pile it up where it is now.... or is that too simple ?

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that Chernobyl is the most sensible place to put this stuff.

flashgordonnz said...

Aye, Chernobyl. Or the constituency of Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath.

Shit: the SNP have that covered.