There has been lots of comment in the last week about this nonsense of Code of Conducts on blogs. This tale was helped along by Tim O'Reilly (of whom I have muchos respect in technical terms) calling for such a code and it was picked up by some of the more rabid anally retentive bloggers out there who want to restrict peoples' freedom to write what they want and do what they want on their own websites.
However, what hasn't received much comment - and I can't imagine why - is that Tim O'Reilly actually shelved the idea almost a week ago. In an interview with Wired News on April 12th he said that he'd "come to think the call for a code of conduct was a bit misguided." O'Reilly is 100% right of course, but then my view has never been much of a secret. My website, my rules, if you don't like then don't read it.
El Reg
OK for you maybe Dizzy, but what about that woman Ms Sierra who was 'stalked' and threatened in a way which should not really be accepted even by the most passionate advocates of free speech.
PS and I note you only allow comments on your posts after prior approval....
Ms Sierra's case is interesting though because, as I understand it, it was not in some unmoderated world that it happened. A code of conduct wouldn't stop that sort of thing happening sadly.
Yes, correct, I do have moderation on. I turned it on just after I successfully wound Tim Ireland up last month. I didn't trust the cunt having seen what he does when bored on Guido's blog.
You'll be hard pushed to find a comment that is not published though. I have deleted only three that I know of, all of which were selling printers.
"My website, my rules, if you don't like then don't read it."
Quite right. That's why I never read it.
But I do have to keep coming back to make sure!
p.s. When do you sleep?
What is this thing called sleep you talk of?
"... this thing called sleep of which you talk"
Oh for the days when correct grammar was thrashed into one ...
hmmm nazi grammar you are
Poo: i just wet my self, just like that time I followed your link to the burning debate.
ps I have a printer, free to a good home. Pick-up only. I will include some ink cartridges, too. They belong to another printer I once had.
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