Friday, April 13, 2007

A not so straightforward denial?

Following on from the gordon4leader story, apparently the Treasury has now denied that it has ever worked with Silverfish TV. This is odd given that Silverfish's website (which mysteriously went to "Under Construction" some time in the past 48 hours) said that they did. Thankfully there is another version of their website here which still clearly shows HM Treasury as a client. Isn't it all a bit odd?

Slightly more odd is that having just just seen tomorrow's Times, Hugo Rifkind reported that when he asked the Treasury about this apparent contradiction between their denial and Silverfish TV's own client list he was told that it was "less straightforward than it seems". Not just odd, but strange.

I wonder when Silverfish TV's main site will be back? I wonder if the client list will change?


Anonymous said...

Such a wailing and gnashing of teeth,the tap tap tap of the keyboard as the new code is punched into the website to a backdrop of the incessant whirring of the shredder, as the work goes on into the night.....

another day, same sh*te, more lies.

Anonymous said...

When oh when will the main stream media wake up to the fact Gordimmo is just as corrupt as the poodle?
Keep up the good work Dizzy in exposing the deceitfulness of the latest chapter in ZaNuLabor's evolution.

Anonymous said...

What could they possibly have to hide?

Anonymous said...

Silverfish are offering a "Campaign in a Box" for just £10,000 inc Micro Website and registration of an address.
Campaign in a Box

Trust a Jock to run his Leadership campaign on the cheap.

Anonymous said...

Not too cool, Gordon

Hugo Rifkind

13 April 2007 The Times

Strangely this story seems to have disappeared as well from Timesonline.

How odd

Anonymous said...

Still there.

And there's a cute pic of Tony and Gordo in the 'Our Offer' section.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen this Dizzy? Well done again.