Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Labour hits rock bottom as Blair pushs on with his personal mission

Labour's national polling has hit rock bottom this morning according to the latest Populus poll for the Times. Labour trail the Tories by eight points, but crucially they have dipped below 30% to 29%, making it their lowest poll rating since Blair became leader.

At the same time we're hearing a lot about Blair plans a blitz of reforms between now and his departure. Putting aside the polling, this bit of spin is the most intriguing for a while. The Labour Party right now is ripping itself apart with leadership and deputy leadership contest, and the Precottian tectonic plates are putting themselves in position.

How on earth Blair can think he can seriously push through lots of reforms that will secure his legacy begs belief. Let's be honest here, Brown is not going to let his hands be bound by Blair's last acts even if he agrees with the policies, so pushing anything through is likely to rely on Conservative support, and will end up being dragged out as the cajoling and bargaining takes place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bliar is detached from reality and is living in a dream world.

He actually believes he still has powerand influence!