Cathy Newman said in the report that Silverfish TV said they merely registered the domains in the hope of making some cash and selling them on to Brown. She also said that the Treasury is insisting it's nothing to do with them and that on the question of money they would neither confirm or deny they had received any, and simply said they "knew the rules" and would follow them.
Personally I don't buy either of the lines that were put out, as Cathy Newman pointed out, we know they have a campaign team in place which Jack Straw is leading, it makes perfect sense that they would have a website at some point. Sadly this site didn't get a mention (a little annoying to hear "Channel 4 News has discovered..." to be honest) but it doesn't matter really, I know where the story came from.
Congratulations dizzy!! As usual with nulabour they spin and spin but please dont give up!!
They have the smell of decay about them now .....
Come on, Dizzy; as we all know, blogs are good for nothing except tittle-tattle and unsubstantiated rumour and the MSM have absolutely no reason to lift stories from them.
After all, as Kamm says, blogs are "wholly parasitic" on the MSM...
Yes - they never set the agenda or break a story. You should know that ;o)
Didn't mention you though. Should do as Iain does when he thinks he has a hot one and insist on attribution. Or sell it to them top dollar before you blog it - in which case who cares about the mention!
BTW is there some gimmick to getting the google ads into the body of your messages? Blogger is really resisting my efforts on adding ads at the moment .... grrrr.
Facilities for Maccies are much worse than for PCs ...
The Times, have picked it up too. Kudos Dizzy :)
Sell the next one Dizzy.
Well done again.
You decide what to do with the next one.
Personally I would vote for you to blog it - its the future!
Ha, Channel four 'nooze can't attribute a story from a blog: the great unwashed might decide to go to the source directly next time - and where would that leave channel four 'nooze.
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