Gordon Brown really doesn't do well in this morning's papers it seems. We've got the Sunday Times saying that he ignored yet more advice about his flogging off of Britain Gold Reserves at the bottom of market at a cost to the taxpayer of £2bn (now running on ITV and C4 News). The Sunday Telegraph says that he is facing a backlash in his own party for allegedly signing up to the "neocon agenda" by visiting George Bush.
Charles Clarke, writing in the Mail on Sunday says that there are at least 4 more people who could muster the 44 signatures and also says that Brown is not a certainty. Meanwhile, the Observer says someone is smearing David Miliband. interestingly they say that his supporters are "careful not to point the finger at Brown". Why mention him at all if they don't think it's him?
And finally, The Spoof says "Wolfowitz's girlfriend also shagged Gordon Brown"
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