Sunday, March 04, 2007

Is someone smearing UKIP?

It seems that it never rains but pours for UKIP at the moment with bad press. This morning's Telegraph has a report in it about a senior official in the party having donated money to a group called American Friends of BNP whilst he was living in the US.

If I were someone in the UKIP leadership I'd be wondering whether there's an active smear campaign going on against the party from some quarter. In the past two weeks UKIP have received more column inches and coverage than they've probably had in the last six months. All of it damaging, and none of it in least bit positive.


Devil's Kitchen said...

And all by the same reporters: Daniel Foggo and Robert Watts.


Anonymous said...

Since that story about the UKIP accounts being late (that DK told me off about for posting!) someone up top has taken it on themselves to dig up every UKIP misdemeanor and throw it into the spotlight and i don't think the bad press is over either.

haddock said...

A great many voters will take the view that a person can talk to or give money to whoever he pleases. It is the media, as part of the totalitarian state, that has decreed that anyone criticising immigration policy or questioning multiculturalism is a vile demon. The English people do not share this view no matter how many times they are told they must.
I talk to many ordinary working people, I know what many are thinking and it is not what the chattering class is thinking.

CityUnslicker said...

Dk is astroturfing..what does that tell you???

just kidding!!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has bothered to follow the sites not slavishly on message will know that this blitz of bad headlines has been on the horizon for ages.
UKIP does not seem to realise that a raised public profile means more than Farage on telly and carefully crafted press releases.
It also means that the media will scrutinise all aspects of the internal workings of the party.
As for someone attempting to smear them, is that a credible line of defence for the other political parties if they get a few weeks of bad press?

Chris Paul said...

The alternative explanation is that UKIP are rife for exposure as the tories that time forgot. The people exposing such things are hardly smearers. If UKIP people donate money to racist parties they do it to themselves.

dizzy said...

I disagree Chris, this is two journalists who have written different stories over a short period of time. As a Tory I obviously don't care in pure electoral terms, but it seems rather obvious that someone is causing trouble.

Anonymous said...

If UKIP really thought that the battle to eliminate them was going to be fought politely by gentlemen, largely through the ballot box, then they are even more naive than they appear to be.

You don't score 2 million votes in a general election, send all those MEP's to Brussels, and put forward some genuinely mould-breaking policies, without attracting unwelcome attention from the Establishment.