When questioned about the cost of administrative support of the ePetition system, Blair answered saying that "it is potentially part of the work of all those involved in e-petitions and handling correspondence in my office" so it would be impossible to quantify the cost.
I have but a one word response to that, which is, characteristically, "bollocks". If everyone is potentially responsible then why is it, when you submit a petition as I did for a joke, you receive confirmation from team@petitions.pm.gov.uk and the email is signed "-- the ePetitions team"?
Call me old fashioned, but Blair's answer seems to me to be somewhat misleading. If he has an "ePetitions team" then he cannot equally claim that the ePetitions are managed by everyone in his office. Unless of course he's just made-up the "ePetitions team" to make it look like he has staff dedicated to it, but he wouldn't do that would he? That would be dishonest!
I understand it's being done by MySociety.org, so maybe that's them.
In which case the answer remains bollocks. My understanding was MySocity just did the website creation and code and don't manage it. Either way, he's still talking bollocks.
And your point is?
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