Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Income questions on the Census

When the last census occured theer was, if I recall correctly, discussion about plans to include questions about income. They were dropped in the end as it was felt that they were a little too intrusive. However, it appears that the prposals are back with plans to not only ask for income figures but also to ask for sources of all income. Initially the questions will be voluntary but they will become compulsory in 2011.

Call me cynical but this doesn't half sound like a means of data mining by the Treasury. If anyone has seen a Tax Credit form they ask untold questioned about your income, your saving, the interest you receive etc etc. I don't claim tax credit precisely for the reason that I think that information is none of the Treasury's business.

The new Census plans close that loophole and imply even greater inspection of the minutiae of over lives. Couple this with the reversal of assumptions in the ever-growing DNA database, tracking systems on cars, rubbish inspections et al and we might as well rename the country Airstrip One and have done with it.


Unknown said...

Thankfully the proposed rollout for this is way past when Nu-lab will be out on their ears.

Of course if the unacceptable happens and they manage to somehow cheat their way into Gov. again I'm left with a few choices

Lie on the form,
Pay the fine and endure a criminal record.

One thing is certain, I am not EVER providing this level and depth of information trawling to any government.

CityUnslicker said...

Luckily their incompetnece keeps their dreams of total surveillance in their small little heads.

The Hitch said...

Last census I claimed to be a divorced pakistani sweet maker (trust me I am not)

Jeff said...

Put together all the information they now want from you and then consider Lord Faulkners plans to relax the data protection laws and allow over 40,000 civil servants acces to your personal data.

Then consider all the restrictions that are being imposeddon you by NuLab, and the Eu.

George Orwell wasn't wrong, he was just a few years early in his predictions.