Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Party of Disraeli

Well I've finally managed to get BBC Parliament on to watch some of the Conference highlights. I've caught the end of David Davis's speech and the whole of William Hague. The key themes running through both speeches was that the success of the Conservative Party over the centuries has been because we've always been willing to take our principles and shape policy that's relevant to the world in which we find ourselves. Not policy by dogma, but policies of principles.

Both Davis' and Hague's speech were superb. Hague seems to have comedy timing down to a tea and I imagine if he wasn't in politics he could easily do stand up. It's funny really because in recent months Hague comments on foreign policy have irked me, but that doesn't detract from his brilliant ability to deliver a speech. His definition of the Government as being one of "reannoncement, pre-announcement and false announcement" was brilliantly put.

The highlight of Hague's speech for me though was his observation that Labour have been so inefficient that there are, since 1997, 700,000 more public servants yet no one in the country can find an NHS dentist. Two inspiring speeches from the Front Bench in my opinion which expressed a sense of purpose of unity. Refreshing really after weeks of watching Labour infighting.


Ellee Seymour said...

Why didn't you manage to see them speak in person? I thought you were at the conference. I know Hague is reputed to be a brilliant speaker, I would love to see him.
I was impressed with how he started learning the piano when he lost his leadership, a great character. Life moves on and you can't let yourself become bitter when things don't work out your way.

dizzy said...

no Ellee, I said I wasn't going to conference because I'm on another training course.

dizzy said...

I wish I had been able to go mind.

Praguetory said...

700,000 not 7,000 but yes his speech was far funnier than most comics.

Praguetory said...

From the conference hall Hague's speech was far funnier than most comics and Davis' was excellent too.

Geoff Gilson said...

Sorry you couldn't make it to the Conference

But, that's no reason not to be informed of the latest about the Tories' secret fund-raising.

Go to:

dizzy said...

fixed the figures. Will look at the conspiracy theory later.

dizzy said...

Geoff, I do hope you've got a good lawyer. Obviously when you get sued for libel it will all be part of the conspiracy.