Wednesday, January 19, 2011

iPad, iTouch, iPhones, students and the EMA

So, today is the day when the Educational Maintenance Allowance, alternatively known as a bribe to keep teenagers in school after 16 so they can buy fags and booze, is likely to be cut completely.

Whilst the media dwell on the subject, and we're bombarded with images of "poor" students saying it is vital they get up to £30 per week when their household income is £5000 above the UK national average it's worth noting the following.

Last year the UK Parliament spent £5075 on developing an application called ParliQuiz targeted at aimed at A level students, i.e. EMA recipients, which is free to download on their iPhone (approx £300), iTouch (approx £200) or iPad (approx £450).

No wonder they need the EMA so much with those sort of toys huh?

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