What I like about that photo is that, apart from the unusual traffic light, it looks like it could have been taken in Britain.
It's easy to get the impression that Zimbabwe is your typical African basket-case, but until recently much of it was comparable to Europe. Hyperinflation can happen anywhere. All it takes is a stupid government.
Lol...at the rate things are going it won't be long before we have a similar poster stating "Thanks To Gordon Brown And ZaNuLab This Money Is Wallpaper".
What I like about that photo is that, apart from the unusual traffic light, it looks like it could have been taken in Britain.
It's easy to get the impression that Zimbabwe is your typical African basket-case, but until recently much of it was comparable to Europe. Hyperinflation can happen anywhere. All it takes is a stupid government.
like all good adverts it's true!! Makes yhou wonder if some anti-labour party could copy it in a year or so...
Lol...at the rate things are going it won't be long before we have a similar poster stating "Thanks To Gordon Brown And ZaNuLab This Money Is Wallpaper".
Hey Dizzy, I know this is rude of me but I know you're very goof with this computer shizzle.
How can I find out what japanese porn website was linked on the home office website?
Nevermind, I already found it.
It isn't porn, its a dating site.
Not taken in Zim, I reckon - more likely to have been taken in South Africa.
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