Monday, April 06, 2009

Junior Transport Minister hacked and pwned

Oh dear, Paul Clarke, Labour MP for Gillingham and Rainham, and Under-Secretary of State at the Department of Transport, appears to have been hacked. His domain isn't errrr.... working (a bit like his party in Government).

I wonder what he did to upset the Egyptians?
Note: Further screenshots have been taken.


Obnoxio The Clown said...

"red virus" speaking on behalf of British people everywhere.

Bob said...

Why is he floating?

John M Ward said...

Poor old Paul Clark — just "down the road" a little way (his constituency is next door to the one where I live). At least a comment I posted there recently is still accessible…

Anonymous said...

Interesting how Dizzy always seems to be in the vincinity whenever a Labour MP is hacked - now I wonder why that is?

I'm sure he couldn't possibly comment.

dizzy said...

Couldn't possibly comment on what exactly?