Monday, April 06, 2009

10p tax rebellion makes a comeback?

I see Frank Field has tabled a motion that is gaining some traction over the 10p tax issue once more. The motion states,
That this House records with real disappointment that up to 3.8 million individual taxpayers are still worse off as a result of the abolition of the 10 pence tax rate; registers that the two measures the Government have since announced do not yet compensate them fully; and calls on the House to secure justice for this group of low tax paying workers at the next Budget.
Gordon Brown was of course forced to U-Turn on this issue when his own party turned on him, could this be another rebellion brewing in the run up to the budget?


Oldrightie said...

It's time he came back to his roots.

Letters From A Tory said...

I can't believe Darling has got enough money lying around to help these people, but that won't necessarily stop him from borrowing more to bail them out.

Conand said...

I'm always fascinated by the relationship between Frank and his godson: The Hon. Edward Vaizey MP (Con, Wantage @ Didcot).

Anonymous said...

Good to know that Frank Field hasn't been bamboozled into thinking the problem solved. the media have certainly lost interest