Monday, March 16, 2009

Scotland to outlaw perverts from looking at consensual perverts

The Register is reporting on the moves in Scotland which mirror recent law changes in England on what the state defines as "extreme pornography". Basically, like the appalingly bad law introducesd in England it will be illegal to own images of people engaging in consensual perversions if it is apparent harm might be there.

So, a loony guy who gets kicks out of having his scrotum stepped on by a woman in stillettos is out - trust me, these people are out there, I've been online a long time. Likewise, if a group of people have consensual sex but do so by photographing it and playing out a rape fantasy it will be illegal to own them - unless it was you doing it.

Like with alcohol this is yet more puritanicalism that infringes on the rights of the individual to be a colossal pervert in the comfort of his or her own home and look at pornography produced by other colossal perverts for their delight.

Additionally, in Scotland, they have also extended their law so that images of people committing sexual acts with an "animal carcass" are illegal. As the Register points out, they don't really define what an animal carcass is, so technically that might include a 100% beef burger, or perhaps a rolled up steak - apologies if you now need to bleach your mind.

Earlier post on the subject in England here.

UPDATE: It has suddenly occured to me that if one owned the infamous clip of Rebecca Loos incident aiding a pig with its reproductive duties would that constitue extreme porn if the viewer enjoyed it?


Anonymous said...

No sex with an animal carcass? That's really shagging a dead horse...

Anonymous said...

"trust me, these epople are out there"

"Additionally, in Scotladn"

Put the beefburger down and type with both hands!

"it will be illegal to own them - unless it was you doing it."

Some of them are undoubtably collossal perverts. Perhaps they want to encourage participation...

Anonymous said...

What about passing round photos of your bared some are the proud owner of three nipples?

Anonymous said...

What about passing round photos of your bared some are the proud owner of three nipples?

Anonymous said...

How do things stand viz-a-viz rocking horses???

Faux Cu said...

No sheep, bugger, that's Orkney fucked then

Faux Cu said...

Never done a dead carcass or a sheep before but have fucked a few pigs.They moved about a bit and oinked and then went home. That was the definition of eternity, waiting for the sows to go home after being serviced.

Houdini said...

You have misunderstood the whole reason why they introduced such a ban. Labour have since 1997 been infiltrated by the homo mafia in all its guises and it has tried, quite successfully, to make homosexuality not only acceptable but desirable, and made that almost a legal requirement. So they must then shift the emphasis over to what they consider REAL perverts, and demonise them in order to ensure the continued success of the social engineering inherent in the homo law making. Shifting the emphasis and making one bunch more acceptable than others is what this is about, and who cares if the civil rights of a few perverts get in the way?

kinglear said...

I don't think you should call David Beckham a pig.....

Anonymous said...

if you enjoy it you must be bad and so banned.
if you dont enjoy it why are you looking?
- that should cover it.

Unknown said...

How about Jamie Oliver's recent porcine activities broadcast on C4?

Anonymous said...

My last girlfriend was an animal caracass - cold, hairy, smelt and just laid there doing nothing...

Imrazor said...

If you are offended by these laws - and you should be - I would recommend you join the Consenting Adults Action Network.
However, what are they actually doing? You can't protest against this simply be petitioning and demonstrating (the police are trying to prevent all demonstrations under anti-terrorist laws, anyway) - direct action must accompany formal protest. So come out of the bondage/fetish/rape-fantasy closet. Find some place to publicly say "yes, I do these things, I recommend these porn sites/sex discussion sites". You have to put yourself at risk of harrassment/prosecution in order to make it clear to the powers that be that...we are sane, stable people not dangerous perverts, and we are very fkn angry about infringements to freedom of communication!
And if you've never been into bondage/fetish/rape-fantasy/whatever - why not try it, and publicly admit trying it, just to show that you care about the rights of consenting adults to not only please themselves but talk about (and write about and make home movies of) pleasing themselves.