Monday, March 30, 2009

How they love building websites

I wonder how much the dedicated website for the G20 London Summit cost the taxpayer and how many people are actually bothering to read it?

Fugly ain't it? I particularly like the way logo makes the earth look like a large mammory gland with a shining nipple.


Faux Cu said...

Fugly ain't it? I particularly like the way logo makes the earth look like a large mammory gland with a shining nipple.

I think you need help.

I believe that I can recommend a good, though not fully qualified psychotheapist, and he has moved here from the Sunshine State.

He is badly in need of funds and I believe would not charge too much, folding ones that is.

I believe that he is seeking another career change in anticipation of his future redundancy (surely redundancy in this context is itself redundant)

Otherwise young Dizzy, keep up the good work.

Phil Taylor said...


I should write and ask the FCO. You might also ask them to spell out how they planned to measure its effectiveness and ask for a copy of the report back when the monitoring period is finished.

Anonymous said...

i wonder who gets more traffic - diszy or london summit? who cares? i'm more worried about jaqui smith.

Rob Atkins, Sudbury, England said...

As always with Brown, it confuses PR with action.

The announcement is all, preferably with a positive photograph of Brown with a celebrity (ironic isn't it ?). Who cares what happens after...

Jon Lishman said...

Good spot, Mr Dizzy.

Carlos said...

All that for a half day talking shop?


William said...

Do you mean a tit?

Wright On said...

William said...
Do you mean a tit?

Don't think so, I haven't seen Draper's name mentioned anywhere