Thursday, March 12, 2009

Are you celebrating?

Today is World Kidney Day. I shall be celebrating it in a pub later on. I also celebrated National No Smoking Day yesterday by smoking to my heart's (and lung's) content.


Anonymous said...

Sorry you've only one lung.

(If you don't get the point, ask Lynne Truss.)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, surely this calls for a steak and kidney pudding for lunch...

Perry Neeham said...

Good man. I missed the pleasure of knowing that I was smoking on No Smoking Day through ignorance of the event. I will however have a cheerful grin while I give the old kidneys a work out with my merlot exercise tool later today.

John M Ward said...

It is also World Glaucoma Day today.

I was smoking on — um, it was way back in 1965, when I had just become old enough to try it. It make me stink, so I thought: "Only a cretin would do this" and stopped — permanently. No excuses: I just did it. It wasn't difficult.

Pogo said...

I too didn't realise that yesterday was "National No Smoking Day" but I'm very pleased to note that I, inadvertantly, celebrated it by bringing a few thousand ciggies back with me from Spain.

aproposofwhat said...

I celebrated by selling one of mine for £3000 on the black market - that's another few month's rent sorted while I watch the country go down the tubes...