If you click on the image below you will see a screenshot of the Ministry of Justice's YouTube channel. The average video view is about 20 viewings.

Is this really a worthwhile use of public funds? Is anyone looking at these videos other than people in the Ministry of Justice? What exactly is the point of the channel?
Incidentally, the Foreign Office channel is not much better either.
That's why they're advertising for a Director of Digital Engagement at £120k a year. Then more people might watch MoJ videos - maybe even getting there through 'social media' like Twitter. How exciting, eh?
Fancy applying?
I would like to apply for the Government Post of Useless YouTube videos. One day a month on £350,000
per annum, generous allowances, accommodation, food and debauchery available to the right applicant. Private wearing of nappies an advantage.
More government propaganda at the taxpayers' expense.
Yes, but its creating British Jobs For British Workers (TM), providing Real Help to Hard Working Families
They'd get far more visits if they allowed comments and ratings. No-one wants to listen to that shit unless they can call it such!
They would do much better on 3B NEXUS http://www.3bnexus.com for less than a taxi ride from MoJ to FCO.
Trouble is some idiot invented the internet - so now we have to use it.
Average 20 views almost implies they don't even watch them...
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