Now that in itself is not amusing of course. The fact that lots of people are getting the clap should not really be laughed at. However, the means by which different county are trying to get people to take the test is what amusing.
You see, I have just learned that in Bedfordshire, letters are being sent out to those who are under 25. The letter also contains one of those little, shall we say, piss pots. The recipient is asked to provide a sample and be entered into a competititon.
The prize? A Nintendo Wii, and yes, they really do bill the competition as "A Wii for a wee". Did I laugh? Why I rolled around the floor in hysterics, mainly because I'm a puerile child that still find fart jokes amusing.
The slogan they use, "Choose Chlamydia Screening" is a bit Trainspotting for my liking...choose life, choose chlamydia..
Not sure I'd call Chlamydia 'the clap', but the wii/wee thing is a pretty smart piece of ambush marketing. And highly snigger-inducing too.
I'm personally glad so many young people have STD's, it's not like they were not warned or know of the dangers. There are enough left wing do-gooders squandering public funds telling them.
Perhaps we should mark that down as a big failure then.
How about that correlation between sex education in schools and rise in underage sex and STD's.
I'm not a prude but putting on a rubber Johnny ain't rocket science.
Hate to say I told you so.
Got us talking about it. better than Draper stuff even though related!
Dizzy, are your sure they said county? ;o)
wv umingles. Well, you would, wouldn't you??
At first glance the guy on the right looks like oily Keith Vaz.
A Wii for a wee. Quite clever really.
Off topic but I was amused by this & it made me wonder!
If It's Difficult to Pronounce, It Must Be Risky
I wonder if they will start with peoples names next!!!!!
It is interesting that the advert you show is aimed in the main at "foreigners".It is nice to see a "token white" though.
Plus they can test all the returned piss for illegal drugs, and immediately have the address of someone they want to keep an eye on. Creepy.
I see they still have a token white in the advert.
I see they still have a token white in the advert.
The "Wee for a Wii" is neat, but unless I'm too old and out of touch, the clap was slang for Gonorrhea, not Chlamydia. Or a song by Yes (and now I am dating myself)
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