Here's another great website from the Government that just screams big waste of money. It's part of another of the Government's consultation on
eco-towns. The site is largely static and simple images and linked with the odd embeddded flash movie and form to provide feedback.

Cost? £76,786. Clearly Reading Room (the designing company) saw them coming.
Worth a look.
Wonder how much that one cost?
Dizzy, how about you and I form a company to prived IT and web services exclusively to the public sector. We could be well minted.
I would've put that site together for 3000 fat ones... even then that would have been way too much.. would've taken me a week tops.
But 78,000 thou!! I'll have to go out and grease up these imbeciles.. Wheel out the strobe lamp and watch the monkies sign that little cheque book of ours.
These morons haven't a clue about technology.
just cos you can switch on a computer doesn't mean you should be in charge of the UK's IT program.
Having worked on government website projects several times I think that it's far more likely that the design agency charged that much because they had previous experience of working for government departments or quangos.
They are notorious for changing the brief halfway through a project, suddenly announcing that it needs to be 'golliwog' compliant or the like, or telling you when you've completed it that their boss doesn't like it so it has to be re-designed. You never seem to be able to charge for any of this. Also, you need to take into account that you are inevitably dealing with a complete idiot who knows nothing about their own field and you often end up doing their job for them.
Sounds like a low price to me, considering.
The simple shopper strikes again!
What I don't understand is now anyone actually has the cheek to ask for such a figure.
I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face; how do they do it? Years of practice I suppose.
76k, no problem, there's plenty more where that came from.
Fishpaste? Are you my Brother-in-Law? If not, he told me exactly the same story about his employer's relationship with the Civil Serpents.
If you try to leave feedback on the site, you have to tick one of the boxes to say how you would become more "eco-friendly" (tick one box from four) and how you think more housing should be provided (tick one box from three). No ticks = feedback rejected.
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