I've just been looking at the weather report and maps from the BBC for where I live. Apparently it's been raining this morning and is stil raining. No it is isn't!
Waiting to cross a humpback bridge which I gave up on in the end because I got bored
This road was clear two hours before this picture was takenI guess it will stop eventually.
I actually find MetCheck to be a better service.
This is my biggest problem with 'weather forecasters'. They often don't even know what the fuck the weather is doing now. If they don't have a decent starting measurement how in the name of all that's holy do they expect to tell us what it's going to do tomorrow...
They have updated their maps again and now it was apparently dry and fine at 10am.
The forecasting algorithm ‘tomorrow’s weather will be the same as today’ would be about as accurate as the Met Office and a good deal cheaper.
Though as much use as the stopped clock, that is right twice a day; the clock that runs slow, that is right every few weeks; and the clock that keeps perfect time but has been set five minutes slow, that is never right.
BBC weather online is almost a joke it's so inaccurate.
Wot you drivin'?
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