Friday, November 28, 2008

Google Suggests?

Via b3ta a link to a blog called Sensonize that has found some interesting "suggestions" in the Google Suggests tool.

More here.


AloneMan said...

Hey Dizzy,

While you're in techie mode....the Brown recession counter's great but could anyone develop a national debt counter ? Could follow the government predictions all the way up to a Trillion.

Anonymous said...

I might have a crack at this in Rails, which I'm still learning at the moment. Could be a good pet project to learn by. The question is, though, where would the source data come from, how do you ensure its accurate and how do you update it?

Anonymous said...

On another note, have you seen Google's new "suggest result" feature at the bottom of searches?

Croydonian said...

And for us, it is 'why do English people have bad teeth?'

As for our independent next door neighbours, one is why do they smell, and the other is why do they drink so much. Guess which... As to the Union, 'why do Scots wear kilts'.

haddock said...

national debt counter

Martin said...

I didn't know you were a b3tard. I'm impressed.

James Higham said...

Why do black people have big lips? I have no idea.